Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Litigation and Dispute Resolution


Under the terms of the provisions of Article 18 of Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, Private Luxury Collection provides information necessary for a client to exercise their rights to complain to an office and impartial entity, to help them in the resolution of any conflict before opening litigation in the courts. 


As a rule the procedure is as follows:


The client can has for an impartial third part who acts as an intermediary between then and Private Luxury Collection or third party suppliers and service provides, as are the large of the complaint.


The intermediary may suggest a solution to your complaint, imposes solution on both sides or bring the parties together to find a solution. Alternative dispute resolution can be considers, the “mediation” “reconciliation” or “arbitration” 


 In the event of a dispute or dissatisfaction with the service provided by Private Luxury Collection, the client may resort to the Centre for Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes of which the company is a member:


Algarve Centre for Information, Mediation and Arbitration of Conflicts -


Alternative dispute resolution is usually less expensive, less formal and faster than a judicial process. So, in the event of a dispute, the clients may option for an alternative resolution of consumer disputes. 


Portugal’s Whistleblowing Law (Law No. 93/2021)


Portugal’s whistleblowing law, known as Law No. 93/2021, was introduced to promote transparency, accountability, and ethical practices within organisations. The law mandates that companies establish secure, confidential channels for reporting misconduct, legal violations, and unethical behavior. This measure aims to protect both public and private interests by encouraging employees and associates to report any wrongdoing without fear of retaliation.

Under this law, all companies with 50 or more employees are required to have an official whistleblowing channel that is accessible to employees, contractors, clients, and other third parties. Reports may be made anonymously, and the law provides strong protections against any form of retaliation towards whistleblowers who submit concerns in good faith.

Our agency has implemented a whistleblowing policy that complies with these requirements, ensuring that all reports are handled securely and confidentially. We encourage you to review our full whistleblowing policy to understand the scope of reportable concerns, how to make a report, and the protections in place for whistleblowers.

Read the Full Whistleblowing Policy Here







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